Today’s post is about an object that I did not expect to find as an upcycle project. I came across this upcycle design furniture series that I loved it right away and was very surprised to see which object was used. The design, called ‘de_escalator‘, is made out of an upcycled escalator and the design is by an upcycle design company called gabarage, based in Vienna | Austria.
Escalator parts used to create stunning furniture
The bench and the table both are made from actually used and replaced (usually due to damage) escalator segments form the Viennese subway system. Daniel Strobel from gabarage: “Thankfully given to us by the ‘Wiener Linien‘ which is the service provider of all public transport in vienna. Unfortunately though, we can not get hold of as many of those segments as we would like. But that is one of the many challenges in upcycling design – you can’t just call a supplier and ‘order’ more!”
All edges are carefully rounded and the result is a stunning looking design with a surprisingly comfortable bench that has a guaranteed eye-catcher factor. They have been designed for a specific project by one of their chief designers: Michael Hensel.
Photos © Bernhard Angerer
The company gabarage upcycling design stands for innovative upcycling: waste materials from industrial and commercial operation are considered as valuable output materials for a creative design process. The gabarage creative team developed in cooperation with designers, environmentally sustainable design pieces and everyday objects for individuals and companies.
Don’t be surprised if gabarage is featured again during this year. There are still quite a few interesting upcycle designs to be discovered, made by this very creative group of people.