DIY: Stylish Magazine Bag by Anastasia Baron – upcycleDZINE
The featured design today is made out of magazine paper. I’ve seen several designs like this, but this one is very well done and has a great DIY tutorial. I’m talking about a DIY Bag by Anastasia Baron from Nürnberg | Germany.

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Accurate tutorial on how to make your Magazine Bag

I stumbled upon her blog on my search for upcycle design. For Anastasia it all started in 2012 when she encountered handmade things on American blogs. Since then she’s very passioned about DIY.
After seeing all those wonderful design and do-it-yourself blogs that post a mix of fashion, photography, recipe ideas and design, she started her own blog. On her blog named ‘Kreativbühne‘ [creative stage] she wants to share ‘do-it-yourself’ ideas.

DIY: Stylish Magazine Bag by Anastasia Baron – upcycleDZINE
DIY: Stylish Magazine Bag by Anastasia Baron – upcycleDZINE
Photos © Kreativbühne

And one of her ideas was to make a DIY Bag out of magazine paper. One of her favorite design magazines on lifestyle and decor is definitely H.O.M.E. She normally has no trouble throwing away magazines and paper for recycling. But the H.O.M.E. magazine is something else. Because of that she took a few other magazines and started working on the bag.
She did several hours of work on DIY bags, clutches and purses before making this tutorial. The result is a very good and accurate tutorial on how to make your own magazine bag. The paper that she uses gets a finish from using clear tape. By doing this the paper and therefore the bag gets sturdier and more resistant against dirt and moist. This type of bag is also known as ‘candy wrapper bag’.
Here’s her tutorial on how to make your own Magazine Bag. Be patient and keep trying!

Created by Anastasia Baron | Kreativbühne | Tutorial


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