Motorcycle parts furniture by Bike Furniture Design
Here’s another designer who makes upcycle design out of used bicycle parts. Just like Andreas Scheiger and Oliver Staiano. But this designer, Andy Gregg, also uses motorcycle parts. Gregg founded Bike Furniture Design, based in Marquette, Michigan | United States. “20 some years ago he set out on a quest to design and build bike frames. Soon into that quest, my focus shifted, and out popped a chair made from a pile of used-up bike parts that I had been stockpiling in the attic of the shop where I was working at the time.”

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Upcycled motorcycle parts show attention for detail

“Working with motorcycles is something I have wanted to do for a long time, but did not have the same access to motorcycle parts as I do to bicycle parts. That changed in late 2011 when I was commissioned to build a set of furniture pieces using Harley-Davidson motorcycle parts for a commercial client.”
Featured today are two of his very cool ‘motorcycle part leather cushion chairs’ made out of motorcycle wheels, handlebars, exhaust, forks and other components.
Motorcycle parts furniture by Bike Furniture Design
Motorcycle parts furniture by Bike Furniture Design
Motorcycle parts furniture by Bike Furniture Design
Photos © Andy Gregg

Gregg: “I have been making furniture from bike parts (mostly rims) for over 20 years. My work is comfortable and durable. I have a keen attention to detail, and a level of craft that has come from many years of working with this form. I have been, and continue to be influenced by the works of early to mid-twentieth century designers such as Marcel Breuer, Mies van der Rohe, Charles and Ray Eames, Corbusier, Charlotte Perriand, Warren McArthur, etc.”
You should visit the website of Bike Furniture Design. Andy Gregg has a very nice collection of very original and stylish upcycle design furniture.

Design by Bike Furniture Design

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