Pure-Bottle: three piece table set out of glass by Lucirmás – upcycleDZINE
Glass is a material so close to nature because it’s made by melting together several minerals at very high temperatures. Sand [Silica] is the main ingredient, this is combined with soda ash and limestone and finally melted in a furnace at temperatures of 1700°C. In our everyday life one can’t imagine a world without glass.
Take a minute and look around you to see what items are using or are made out of glass. That’s why there’s also a lot of glass thrown away and recycled. But there’s always a better way than recycling and that’s, yes you might have guessed it, upcycling. And one of the companies that’s leading in upcycle design using glass is Lucirmás.

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From glass bottle to a stylish ecological statement

This company, based in Barcelona | Spain, was founded in 2006 by Italian designer Lucia Bruni. Lucirmás has been featured several times here on upcycleDZINE with it’s original, handcrafted objects from 100% recycled glass. This time it’s a design called ‘Pure-Bottle‘ by Lucia Bruni.

“It’s a fully recycled and recyclable table set which consists of a glass, lantern and spoon, perfect to complement any dining occasion. Each table set is made from a single recycled wine bottle which has been cut in two positions, giving new life and value to the object. The lanterns provide wind protection for candles while creating a warm ambience perfect for restaurants, cafes or home settings. The glasses are simple yet durable, while making a strong ecological statement. The spoons are functional and versatile; perfect for presenting food in a restaurant, serving a salad or eating your breakfast cereal.”

Pure-Bottle: three piece table set out of glass by Lucirmás – upcycleDZINE
Pure-Bottle: three piece table set out of glass by Lucirmás – upcycleDZINE
Pure-Bottle: three piece table set out of glass by Lucirmás – upcycleDZINE
Photos © Lucirmás

Lucia Bruni: “I new what I wanted to do after studying design. But designing is not just a matter of aesthetics. It is a task of responsibility as much as producing is. I love objects that are companions and witnesses of our daily lives. I appreciate useful and functional products which try to create an emotional bond with the user. Because I believe that this is a way to give more life to the objects.”
I think Lucirmás [Facebook] does a great job in producing sustainable glass products that tell a story and proves upcycle design can be simple, yet functional and very stylish.

Design by Lucia Bruni | Lucirmás

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